G20 Framework for Repurposing Agricultural Policy Support to meet Global Climate and Food Security Goals


Aditya Alta

Azizah Nazzala Fauzi
This policy brief is part of the T20 Task Force 4 publication as a proposal for G20 leaders.
Besides CIPS researchers, this paper was also co-written by: Will Martin (IFPRI), Rob Vos (IFPRI), Joseph Glauber (IFPRI), David Laborde (IFPRI), Valeria Piñeiro (IFPRI), Madhur Gautam (The World Bank), Danielle Resnick (Brookings Institution), Marco V. Sanchez, (FAO), Helen Ding (WRI) & (FOLU), Sitta Rosdaniah, (Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Rep. of Indonesia), Martin Piñeiro (Cari, Argentina), Pablo Elverdi (GPS), Nelson Illescas (INAI, Argentina), Augustin Tejeda Rodriguez (Bolsa de Cereales, Buenos Aires), Caterina Ruggeri (SYSTEMIQ).
Recent studies provide unequivocal evidence that current agricultural support policies are ineffective to achieve the multiple goals of food security, affordable healthy diets, remunerative livelihoods for farmers, and environmental protection. Repurposing agricultural support for investing in innovations in productivity-enhancing and sustainable emission-reducing production practices and for creating the incentives for their adoption can bring significant win-win-win gains for people, the planet, and prosperity.

Indra Setiawan