About CIPS
The Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) is an independent, non-profit and non-partisan think tank that advocates for practical policy reforms informed by evidence-based policy research and analysis. Our policy perspectives are based on the belief that only civil, political, and economic freedom allows Indonesians to achieve greater prosperity.
CIPS shares policy recommendations with decision-makers in Indonesia’s legislative and executive branches of government. We are financially supported by individuals and organizations who appreciate the independence of our analysis.
Our Vision
A Free and Prosperous Indonesia
Our Mission
Research, recommend, and advocate for public policies that empower Indonesians to lead prosperous and peaceful lives.
Our Principles
CIPS believes that Indonesia’s social and economic development and greater economic prosperity of the Indonesian people depend on:
Wider economic opportunities and access to open markets that allow Indonesians to create wealth and sustainable livelihoods.
Access to wider educational choices based on the needs of the family.
Security to live peacefully in an open and plural society.
Strong local communities with sustainable income opportunities, secure property rights, and public health.