Who is Responsible for User-Generated Content on
Digital Platforms in Indonesia?


Indra Setiawan
Various internet intermediaries in Indonesia allow more than 175.4 million users to express their ideas and engage in economic activities (Hootsuite & We Are Social, 2020). This is called User-Generated Content (UGC). UGC comprises a vast amount of extremely diversified information, including images, videos, comments, and product advertisements published on dedicated websites or exchanged on messaging applications. UGC is ethically and legally owned by the creator of the content. This ownership rule applies whether users promote a product or service online, express their views, or they publish news, analysis, or opinion pieces in text or multimedia format.
The government should consider to coregulate UGC together with the private sector. A meaningful Public-Private Dialogue and shared responsibilities help the regulatory process to keep up with the fast changing digital landscape and to stay open for innovation and technological progress. to keep up with the fastchanging digital landscape and to stay open for innovation and technological progress.