Tackling the Effects of El Niño on Small-scale Farmers through Agritech
CIPS engages in research on the sustainable growth and modernization of Indonesia's agriculture. CIPS also researches and advocates for policy alternatives that open up trade in strategic food items in order to stabilize food prices and achieve greater food security for Indonesians. We expose links between agriculture, trade and investment, food prices, and a nutritious diet of Indonesian consumers with the aim of ensuring that low-income families can access affordable quality food.
Unwrapping the Global Story Behind Indonesia’s Beloved Food Products
Explore how global value chains enable the creation of Indonesia’s iconic food products; fried instant noodles, sweet soybean sauce, and the cashew nut chocolate bar. Discover more in our new interactive website - Di Balik Bungkus.
See what goes on behind the wrapping today!
Food Monitor
CIPS' Food Monitor offers reliable and regularly updated databases on seven important food commodities in an easy-to-use format.
They include a regulatory and a statistical database for rice, sugar, beef, soybeans, maize, garlic, and wheat. CIPS also provides annual reports about developments regarding these seven commodities.
Sign up to Food Monitor now!
Monthly Household Food Expenses Index
The Monthly Household Food Expenses Index (Indeks Bulanan Rumah Tangga) tracks how much Indonesians pay for basic food items compared to consumers in neighbouring countries.
​With poor households spending 50-70% of their income solely on basic food items, CIPS highlights how much Indonesia's poor could save through policy changes that make quality food more affordable.